53rd NJ Irish Festival: June 8, 2025


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Human Horse Race

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Piping & Drumming

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Sponsor the Festival

Promote your business or organization as a sponsor !
We offer multiple levels and highlight sponsors in our advertising campaigns: social media, digital ads, radio, on-site signage, printed materials and more! 
Click on the sponsorship levels below for full details.

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Join us!

Our festival is 100% volunteer-managed and we are always seeking new members.
There are many ways to help – from planning and prep to set up and activities at the event. 
Members come from all over NJ. And we have fun! 
Contact us if you’re interested in helping to keep the festival going and the tradition alive.

Celebrating Irish culture and heritage In New Jersey since 1971.
The Festival is held on the grounds of Monmouth Park Racetrack in Oceanport where we host our annual Human Horse Race. This unique event raises thousands of dollars for local charities in NJ.
Join us for a great day that starts with a Catholic Mass followed by live music on multiple stages, piping & drumming competitions with massed bands, performances by local step-dancing schools , a variety of vendors with Irish crafts, jewelry and merchandise…and of course the Human Horse Race.

Group Of Musicians Playing The Pipe Instrument